Friday, March 6, 2009

Final Testing to be held at the Vinton Skate & Activity Center

Thanks to a generous offer and donation from Okee Walker we have secured the final testing location for the Viking 300 Challenge. The Vinton Skate & Activity Center will be the place to be Saturday morning March 21st.

Tentative schedule goes like this...
  • 9:00-9:30 am set up
  • 9:30-10:15 am Little Vikes Training
  • 10:15-10:30 am Testing Demo & Rules Explained
  • 10:30-10:45 am Group 1 Final Test
  • 10:45-11:00 am Group 2 Final Test
  • 11:10-11:20 am Final Results
  • 11:30-12:00 tear down
This event is FREE to the public.

We're inviting all little Vikings grades 5th thru 8th who would like to come at 9:30 am to participate in the bodyweight exercises that will be performed during the Viking 300 Challenge. We will introduce them to some of the most effective exercises using bodyweight alone that can be done anywhere. Kids should plan to stay and encourage the Vkings as they physically and mentally push themselves to the limit in the Viking 300 Challenge.

Any spectators should arrive by 10:00 am to witness this one of a kind event. Come show your support for our High School Athletes who have trained hard for this unique workout.

Any questions can be directed to me, Mark Erickson Email! or by phone 319-721-7457.

For complete details refer to the next post on this page.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Viking 300 Challenge Details


This challenge is open to any V-S Viking (9-12) you don't have to be an athlete to be a Viking. If you accept this challenge quitting is not an option. You start you finish it's that simple! This will not be easy so don't let your friends influence your decision.

$10 entry fee is due prior to the initial testing phase. If you want a Viking 300 Challenge T-Shirt $20 will cover your entry fee and shirt. Entry fee should be given to me when you first test.

My normal fees to train serious student athletes range from $40 a month for general physical preparedness to $60 an hour for personal training. Included in your entry fee to participate will be scheduled workout and instruction times during the 4 week contest. You get one chance for this unique training opportunity.

If we get 20 Vikings to participate I will donate $5 back to the V-S Athletic Department for every paid registrant. All Vikings must complete the final testing to count towards the goal of 20 participants, no exceptions!

IMPORTANT: The Sign Up Form is in the High School office. Make sure you get a copy of the consent waiver which must be completed prior to your first test. When you decide to join us I will then add your name to the Commitment List on this blog.

VIKING 300 CHALLENGE details...

You will be instructed on the bodyweight and kettlebell exercises below before your first test. The test will be performed completing the designated number of repetitions per exercise as fast as you can. You must complete all repetitions for each exercise before moving on. Your time will be logged and you will have 4 weeks to train for the final test. I will post scheduled times you can train with me at the Kettlebell Advantage Training Studio.

There will be two categories.

  • The Viking with the overall fastest time.
  • The Viking with the biggest improvement (1st test minus 2nd test).

The Workout...

  1. 20 Push Ups

  2. 40 Prisoner Lunges

  3. 40 Kettlebell Push Presses (20 right hand / 20 left hand)

  4. 20 V-Ups

  5. 10 Walkout Planks

  6. 50 Kettlebell Swings

  7. 50 Burpees (no push up & no jump)

  8. 20 Hand 2 Hand Sumo Deadlifts

  9. 50 Mountain Climbers

Final testing will take place at the Vinton Skate Center on Saturday March 21st. Sometime between 9:00 - 12:00. Check back for exact time. PUBLIC IS ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND!!! THIS WILL BE A FREE EVENT!!!

Next Test Date: It's no too late. Contact me if you still want to take the challenge.

Additional times will be available upon request.

Any questions contact me! Good Luck.


  1. Patrick Horst
  2. Jay Aragon
  3. Jordan Barnes
  4. Paul Walker
  5. Ben Douthart
  6. Clint Ferguson
  7. Garrett Flickinger
  8. Travis Libbert
  9. Ryan Webster
  10. Jackson Tranel
  11. Gunner Trannel
  12. Braxton Morrison
  13. Loren Moffitt
  14. Chris Rich
  15. Joey Seidel
  16. Sam Sauer
  17. Michael Nederhoff
  18. Wes Lyons
  19. Ben Stainbrook
  20. Ryan Abernathy
  21. Nolan Edwards
  22. Ian Storey